
Logo: Dev Multitask 100 videos
Logo: Java Ring
Coverage report for a GitHub private repository with GitHub Actions
Cyclic Workflows with Prefect
Removing invisible unread GitHub notifications
Blender rendering on NVIDIA Jetson Nano
Cyclic Workflows with Cylc and StackStorm
Using Lumino with Vue
Experimenting with Vuejs and Cytoscape
A look at the first implementation of GraphQL in Cylc
Running fuzzers to find bugs
PyZMQ Basics - Part 1
Creating a logo in Inkscape - process
A couple of class diagrams of JupyterHub
Cylc Scheduler Internals - Part 3
Use of Logging in Java Image Processing libraries
UUID's in Apache Jena
Creating a Docker container to run as a command
Cylc Scheduler Internals - Part 2
Multithreaded code and Pandas
Cylc Scheduler Internals - Part 1
ImportError when debugging cylc in Eclipse
A simple Cylc suite
What happens when you create a new dataset in Apache Jena Fuseki
What happens when you upload a Turtle file in Apache Jena Fuseki
Drawing Santos Dumont's "Encantada" in Krita
Learning more about SPARQL and Jena internals
R Shiny + Ansible =
Exif Odd Offsets
Remember to synchronize when iterating streams from a synchronized Collection
Using formatter exclusions with Eclipse
Quickly Verifying jar Signatures For ASF Releases
Removing Javadoc SVN Id Tags with Shell Script
Enabling Markdown Extension Tables For Piecrust
Finding Base64 implementations in Apache Software Foundation projects
Two other Maven Plug-ins: impsort and deptools
Checking for transitive dependencies use with Maven Enforcer Plug-in
How to remove the signature from e-mails with NLP?
Backward compatibility and switch statement with constant expressions
Apache Commons Text LookupTranslator
Some links related to Apache Commons Text
When you don't realize you need a Comparable
Troubleshooting a Jenkins Plug-in compatibility issue
Spring Cloud encrypted values and Spring PropertySources
Writing a binary parser in Python: NumPy vs. Construct
Fixing Qt warning "QLayout: Attempting to add QLayout "" to QWidget "", which already has a layout"
Simulating less memory with ulimit
Contributing to Krita
Debugging an application that freezes the X server
Geek Vacation 2016
Replacing a HashSet with a BitSet
The Developers Conference (TDC) 2011 Botando o Jenkins para rodar seus testes
Belgium Testing Days (BTD) 2011 How To Automate Tests Using Testlink And Hudson
TestLink BUG-1890: Possibility to add attachment by using API